This is a website to build .menu files for Call of Duty 4 (will probably also work for WaW).
See the help section for information on building a menu.

You can follow the project and help contribute here: GitHub
If you find any bugs, please report them here: GitHub issues
Help Builder Options Save / Load MenuDef Options ItemDef Options
Name Sets a name for the item. Manipulation of an item is done through its name.
rect Defines a rectangular area within a menu. The item's rect is positioned relative to the menu's rect; i.e. the menu's rect acts as a "mini-screen" for the coordinates of item rect. This shifting eases the relocating of menus; menus can be moved without having to recalculate the positions of its items.
style Fill style of the rect.
backcolor Sets background color for the item when `style' is set to WINDOW_STYLE_FILLED.
forecolor Sets foreground color for the item. Most prominent use is setting text color, although it also influences the color of any alpha-valued images.
visible Sets the visibility of the item. "0" prevents it from being drawn, "1" (or any other value) causes it to be drawn. Can also use a expression e.g. when(dvarString("test") == "text") (not supported on Menu Builder)
exp Expression. This can be used for displaying parts of the itemDef using a expression. Expressions include: text(dvarString("")) rect X(dvarInt()) rect Y(dvarFloat() rect W(dvarInt()) rect H(dvarFloat)) material(dvarString("))
border Sets a border style for the item.
bordersize Sets the thickness of the border. The border is drawn on the inside of the item rect.
bordercolor Sets border color.
type Sets the item type. If not specified, the default is ITEM_TYPE_TEXT.
text Sets the item type. If not specified, the default is ITEM_TYPE_TEXT.
textscale Scale the text size. A scale of 1.0 is 48 pixels tall (textscale = height / 48).
textstyle Specifies a special effect to the text.
textalign Determines where the horizontal alignment point is applied to text.
textalignx Horizontal text alignment in pixels (of 640 max) from left edge of rect to alignment point of text.
textaligny Vertical text alignment in pixels (of 480 max) from top edge of rect to bottom of text.
background Provided string is taken as a shader name or image file to display as the item's background, confined within the item rect. Rect's `style' has to be set to WINDOW_STYLE_SHADER. The background image is scaled, ignoring aspect ratios, to fill the rect.
action Runs the provided script when the mouse clicks in/on the item rect or when the Enter key is pressed while item has focus.
onFocus The given script is run when the item gets focus.
leaveFocus The provided script is run when the item loses focus.
mouseEnter Runs the provided script when the mouse enter the item's rect.
mouseExit Runs the provided script when the mouse leaves the item's rect.
decoration Disable decoration for buttons

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